A Letter from Liv

A Letter from Liv

Hey, you!

Today is August 16th, 2023.

Today is my 23rd birthday, and Liv's House's actual birthday. 

Liv's House has been a long time coming. In 2022, I graduated Arizona State University with degrees in Business and Fashion. Throughout my time in college, it was a dream of mine to have my own clothing brand. I love artwork, I love creation, and I love bringing visions to life. I would always say that 'someday', I would have my own fashion company.

Throughout my life, I've been lucky enough to be surrounded by self-starters. Friends of mine who dropped out of college to pursue music, friends who post-grad decided to start their own companies in health, photography, or marketing, friends who took years off to travel the world and gain experience. These people inspired me more than they could possibly know. I love when people take the road less traveled instead of continuing on the standard life path. I love when people follow their passions over practicality. I wanted to be one of those people.

One year ago, on my 22nd birthday, I decided that instead of waiting for that elusive 'someday', I was going to get started. I am so proud, honored, and excited to announce Liv's House, a label dedicated to individuality, authenticity, acceptance, compassion, community, and sustainability, through high quality apparel produced in small batches and made to order. 

Anyone who knows me knows how much I love color - it's always been my metaphorical brand, and it's now become my actual brand. My designs are brightly colored and bold, with playful graphics and positive messages. I want my work to start conversations, I want my work to connect people, and most importantly, I want everyone who visits my House to feel welcomed, accepted, and have fun. Life is too short to not show off everything you are in everything that you do. 

So many hours of planning, designing, manufacturing, and everything in between have gone into this passion project turned full blown brand. My mission is to inspire young people to embrace themselves, embrace each other, spread sunshine, and live with intention. 

All that I want for my 23rd birthday (and I hope that it's not too much to ask) is for you to take a look, and follow along, and if you'd like, share with your friends. Your support means the absolute world to me. The sky is the limit, and I cannot wait to see where this journey goes. If you're even 1% as excited as I am, we're off to a great start.

Sending sunshine,


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